Memorize this: no price is a good price IF you aren’t happy with your reception.
Price is meaningless. Dreams are everything when it comes to your wedding. If you cut corners on your wedding entertainment budget, you may pay a very big price.
Okay, now let’s deal with reality. I’m guessing you’re like most of the brides in this area: you’re working on a budget. Am I right?
Your wedding entertainment budget may be bigger than the last bride we worked with, but it may be less, much less than the next. Since we live in the real world, most of us do have to consider dollars and cents when it comes to planning a wedding.
So most brides have to find a happy medium when it comes to balancing their wedding entertainment budget.
Surprising wedding entertainment budget facts
The Knot conducted a survey of 18,000 brides across the country. According to them the average wedding costs $31,213. But it varies widely depending on where you live. For example, it’s closer to $19,000 in South Dakota, but it tops $39,000 in San Francisco.
What is pretty consistent, though, is that the average bride invests about 10% of her budget on the entertainment. And yet entertainment provides 90% of the fun.
We’ve worked with a ton of brides over the years. If something goes wrong with the dinner or the flowers, it is quickly forgotten IF the guests have fun.
Entertainment makes the event: every time!
That’s where Party Image Entertainment comes in. Entertainment makes the event. Any minor glitches you experience with any of your other vendors will quickly fade away once we pack your dance floor. And we will.
Your guests are hungry to celebrate and honor your marriage. Entertainment is the key catalyst to ensuring your party maximizes your potential.
This leads me back to the first sentence of this post: no price is a good price IF you aren’t happy with your reception. This maxim applies to your wedding entertainment more than any other service you book.
Party Image Entertainment is the key
So am I saying that if you book us, the food will taste better? That the flowers will look fresher? That the cake will look more magnificent?
No. It will only seem that way. And, my friend, perception IS reality.
Here’s the bottom line: there is one place where you never want to scrimp: the entertainment. Entertainment makes the event, and we will make your event extraordinary!
The next step? Check out available dates without obligation and tell us a little about your dreams for your event.